This weekend was costume bowling and the Halloween feast. Costume bowling always requires some preparation since we have to do couples costumes, but in our case, group costumes. So we did some thinking about what we wanted to do for the three of us. Here is what we decided:
The Flash, Superman, and The Green Lantern
Colton made a really cute little Superman. It was hard to get good pictures since he never sits still. But hey, that's like superman right??
Costume bowling was really fun, as always, but there was only one other group dressed up. It's a little weird when Halloween is in the middle of the week.
But Saturday was the Halloween feast and it was super delicious! I love meals that are themed and creative. Next year I am going to try to have a more active roll in preparing the meal. Might even try to contribute my own recipes! Sounds like a lot of work right now, good thing I have a whole year to think about it. But after our delightful meal, we do pumpkin carving.
Pumpkin carving is so much work. Gutting the pumpkin, deciding on a design, actually carving. By the end, my wrists are killing me! So this year I decided to go another route. I have been seeing a lot of pins with melted crayon and I have been trying to figure out what I could make so that I could try it. And I had seen some crayons art on pumpkin, and well, I wanted in on the fun. Here is how mine turned out...
I started by cleaning off the outside of the pumpkin with water and a towel and I dried it completely. Next, I painted the entire outside of the pumpkin white. I used blickart Acrylic paint. I just did one coat so it looked a little line-y and ghost-like (and because I didn't want to do another coat..). I let the white coat dry and painted that face with black acrylic paint. After that, I found all the old red crayons I had. I used many different color reds to give it more of a bloody feel. I used a hot glue gun to attach the crayons around the stem of the pumpkin. After that I used a hair dryer to melt the crayons.
WARNING: Have someone hold up newspaper all around the pumpkin or you will have red wax EVERYWHERE!
I learned that the hard way. I spent 15 minutes cleaning up little red wax droplets. Lesson learned. Anyways, it was a hit. I like how it turned out. But I think next time, I would put a knife in the pumpkin somewhere and glue they crayons around it. That would make it look like the pumpkin got stabbed and was bleeding from the wound. But here is are a few different views of the pumpkin so you can get a better look!
You can see some of the crayons didn't melt completely. But I think it still looked pretty good for my first time! Hope I was able to give you some good ideas, or at least get the creativity flowing!
Until next time :)