Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Waffle sandwiches

As we have all been told, "breakfast is the most important meal of the day". I never was huge on breakfast, except the weekends of course, when there were pancakes, bacon and eggs, fried potatoes...cereal and milk just didn't compare. So I just didn't really eat it. Which of course meant I was starving by lunchtime and ate way more than necessary. I think the end of high school and beginning of college I began to realize just how important breakfast was. Now I eat it everyday. It really does make a huge difference in my energy levels and productiveness throughout the entire day.

Coming up with a variety of quick (and delicious) breakfasts has been an issue for me, I'm trying hard to eat healthy and lose all the baby weight. I have a lot of smoothies for breakfast, but I can only drink smoothies so many days in a row. I will get waffles to eat without syrup if I am running late, but the whole grain ones are so plain without syrup.

So I began to try different things on my waffles: cream cheeses, peanut butter, chocolate, nutella, fruit, etc. Whatever I believe will add flavor.

Well here's a winner: Peanut buter & Nutella with banana slices. YUM

I do thin layers of the Nutella and peanut butter or it is too much!

I'm not going to go and say this is low-cal or anything, because both peanut butter and nutella are high in calorie and fat, but it is quick and easy! 

2 Eggo-Whole Grain frozen waffles: 280 calories
1 tbsp Skippy Natural Peanut butter: 95 calories (I'm not sure I even use that much!)
1 tbsp Nutella: 100 calories (again probly 3/4 of tbsp or less)
1/3 banana: roughly 40 calories (less because I used 7 little slices!) 

There are so many ways to make this more healthy, but Breakfast is important! I figure I usually burn off all of breakfast playing with Colton all day :) These calories will help you jumpstart your entire day and get your metabolism going, might as well give it something to work off! 

Other ideas for waffle sandwiches:
blueberry waffles with plain low-fat cream cheese
whole grain waffles with plain low-fat cream cheese and sliced strawberries
whole grain waffles with peanut butter and honey

I will update as I come up with more ideas and try them out :) 

Happy wednesday everyone! Don't forget to eat your breakfast! 


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The holidays are upon us!

I must be the worst blogger in the world! (or the busiest student/mom ever...either way!)

I can't believe we are already into december, and the holidays are upon us. It is Colton's first official Christmas and I want it to be special, I am aware he won't remember it, but it doesn't even matter. I went through a stage back in high school and my first few years of college where I dreaded the holidays. Let's be honest, they are A LOT of work, especially when you are broke. Trying to find gifts for everyone with no money, and the awkward moment when someone gives you a gift and you haven't gotten them anything....yeah DREAD! But this year I am totally into it! Although I really shouldn't be spending the money, cause being in college with a baby doesn't leave me much money to work with, I love buying gifts! I went black friday shopping and everything! I haven't been so proud of myself in a while. 

First of all one of my favorite holidays ever...THANKSGIVING!!!! I love it. The food, the family, the last 24 hours you have money... I love it. It has always been one of my favorite holidays. Starting on Thanksgiving it is okay to listen to Christmas music and decorate for Christmas. It is such an exciting time. 

Being the organized (haha) mom I am, I am trying to not be a procrastinator this year and wanted to get christmas cards ordered and out by the first week in December. So I needed to take some pictures of Colton. This of course is one of my favorite things to do, but since the weather has gotten colder it is harder to get outside and do them. Unfortunately, I do not have good lighting for indoor pictures and prefer the natural light the outdoors offers. But there is not much of a choice anymore so I went to Pinterest of course to get some cute ideas. I had seen something a while back of a child wrapped in lights for pictures and another where a mom had used wrapping paper as the background. I really liked both of those ideas, and I searched for them again, but couldn't find them :( Anyways, I decided to combine them(? honestly I could have seen this exact thing, I don't know, but I am not trying to take credit for something I have seen!) and take some Christmas pictures! Here are a few that turned out well!

I got the santa pajamas at Target and the wrapping paper at Walmart. I set up the background by taping the wrapping paper to the floor and wall, I made sure to tape it to the floor as close to the wall as possible. And I plugged in some christmas lights, I had to borrow some from my neighbor since I couldn't find ours. I think multicolored lights would have worked well too. 

We had to sing some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse songs to get the smiles, but even the blank stare is kinda cute. Overall I think they turned out well. 

WARNING: If you do this with a toddler, they WILL eat the lights! 

Exhibit A:

He didn't actually bite them, but he likes to put stuff in his mouth. (Don't worry we were watching him closely!) 

So I got the Christmas cards ordered and I believe they are done, I will have to wait until I am back home this weekend to pick them up or have my mom do it. I can't wait to see them and get them sent out. I feel as though I have accomplished a lot already! On black friday I watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas and wrapped gifts! Yay holidays! 

Now all thats left is buying and wrapping the rest of the gifts, and planning a birthday party for my soon to be ONE-YEAR-OLD! I can't believe how fast time flies!  It has been a great start to the holiday season and I can't wait to be done with my classes to really start enjoying!

I hope everyone has been enjoying the start of the holiday season, and have had as much luck getting stuff done as I have!

Until next time...(I know that is usually a while)  :) 
